Mid-Market M&A Handbook

Attaining the Best Offers for What You’re Selling

Securing the best offers for your product, service, or business is a multifaceted process that requires careful attention to four key components: the narrative, the audience, the communication, and the process. Each of these elements is like a link in a chain—if one is weak, the entire effort can fail. In this guide, I’ll break down how to effectively utilize these components to ensure you get the best possible offers.

What You Have to Say & Who You’re Going to Say it To

The Narrative

The first step in securing the best offers is crafting a compelling narrative. This isn’t just about why you think your offering is great; it’s about addressing the pain points and needs of your potential buyers. A crystallized, punchy narrative should clearly articulate why someone should consider making an offer. It’s about showing the value from the buyer’s perspective—how your product, service, or business can solve their problems or fulfill their needs.

For instance, if you’re selling a business, your narrative should highlight the strengths and unique selling points of the business. This might include its historical performance, market position, customer base, and future potential. The narrative needs to be concise and compelling, focusing on what makes your offering a must-have for the potential buyer.

The Audience

Once you have a compelling narrative, the next step is to identify and understand your audience. The best narrative in the world won’t matter if it’s directed at the wrong people. You need to ensure that your narrative resonates with the needs and desires of your target market.

Consider who your ideal buyers are. What are their pain points? What solutions are they looking for? Craft your audience profile as deliberately as you crafted your narrative. This might involve segmenting your market and tailoring your messaging to different segments. For example, if you’re selling a business in a niche market, you need to reach potential buyers who understand that market and see the value in your offering.

Facilitating and Building Process Momentum

The Communication

Effective communication is crucial in delivering your narrative to your audience. This involves being clear, concise, and directly relevant to what your audience cares about. Avoid cluttering your message with unnecessary information. Focus on what matters to your potential buyers.

For instance, if you’re communicating with a larger company that’s interested in acquiring your business, they don’t need a primer on the industry—they already know it. What they want are the specific opportunities and strengths your business brings to the table. Highlight the growth potential, key financial metrics, and strategic advantages. Be honest and transparent about both opportunities and risks, as this builds trust and credibility.

The Process

The final component is having a structured process to manage and move potential offers forward. This involves delineating clear steps, timelines, and milestones. Think of it like a Gantt chart, where each step is mapped out with specific objectives and timelines.

Having a structured process helps you manage interactions efficiently and keeps potential buyers engaged. It also allows you to qualify and disqualify offers systematically, saving you valuable time. For example, you might have initial meetings to gauge interest, followed by detailed presentations and due diligence phases. Each step should be designed to move the potential buyer closer to making an offer, while also allowing you to weed out those who are not serious or suitable.

Pushing for Results

Bringing It All Together

These four components—narrative, audience, communication, and process—are interdependent. Weakness in any one link can break the chain and derail your efforts to secure the best offers. To illustrate, consider a situation where you have a great narrative but direct it to the wrong audience, or you identify the right audience but fail to communicate effectively. Each scenario demonstrates how critical it is for all components to be robust and aligned.

In my experience, being viciously critical of these components is essential. Regularly review and refine your narrative to ensure it remains compelling. Continuously assess and adjust your audience targeting strategies. Fine-tune your communication to keep it clear and relevant. And always have a well-structured process to manage and track your progress.


In conclusion, attaining the best offers requires a holistic and disciplined approach. By focusing on crafting a compelling narrative, identifying and understanding the right audience, communicating effectively, and having a structured process, you can significantly increase your chances of success. This methodical approach ensures that every interaction and effort is geared towards securing the best possible offers, ultimately leading to successful outcomes for your product, service, or business.