Mid-Market M&A Handbook

Everything Good Is Rented: The Daily Work to Maintain Success

In both business and life, nothing valuable comes without continuous effort. The idea that “everything good is rented” is a powerful metaphor that encapsulates the necessity of daily work to maintain success, relationships, and reputation. This mindset encourages constant diligence, improvement, and humility, reminding us that we must “pay the rent” every day to keep the good things in our lives.


Everything good in life—whether it be success, relationships, or reputation—requires ongoing effort. Viewing these aspects as “rented” rather than owned emphasizes the need for daily work and attention. This perspective helps in understanding that complacency can lead to the deterioration of our achievements, just like failing to pay rent would lead to eviction.

Ongoing Efforts and Avoiding Pitfalls

Continuous Effort for Success

Success in any endeavor, be it business, personal relationships, or reputation, isn’t a one-time achievement. It requires continuous effort, akin to paying rent every day. The metaphorical rent involves the daily tasks, commitments, and actions that sustain and grow our achievements. Just as rent needs to be paid regularly, so too must we consistently work on maintaining and enhancing our success.

Viewing success as something that needs constant upkeep prevents complacency. Just as a property left unattended deteriorates, so does success when not actively maintained. This mindset ensures that we remain proactive, continuously striving to improve and sustain our achievements.

Avoiding Negative Traits

Entitlement, complacency, and arrogance are detrimental traits that arise from the belief that success or possession is permanent and unearned. These traits are the opposite of the mindset that “everything good is rented.” When people start believing that their success is guaranteed, they stop putting in the necessary effort, leading to a decline in their achievements.

By adopting the view that continuous effort is needed, we can avoid these negative traits. Recognizing that success must be earned every day fosters humility and diligence, keeping us grounded and focused on the work required to maintain our accomplishments.

Continuous Improvement & Embracing the Process

Path of Continuous Improvement

Embracing the idea that success is rented encourages a path of continuous improvement. This mindset pushes us to constantly seek ways to enhance our skills, relationships, and business operations. It fosters a culture of learning and growth, where we are always looking for opportunities to get better.

This approach not only helps in maintaining current success but also in achieving greater heights. Continuous improvement ensures that we are always evolving, adapting to new challenges, and staying ahead in our field.

Valuing the Process

The journey of working towards our goals has intrinsic value, not just the achievement of the goals themselves. The daily effort, the small wins, and the lessons learned along the way are valuable in their own right. By focusing on the process, we can find fulfillment and meaning in our work, making the journey as rewarding as the destination.

This perspective shifts the focus from merely achieving success to appreciating the hard work and dedication that goes into it. It makes the daily grind more meaningful and helps in sustaining motivation over the long term.

Practical Benefits of Continuous Effort

Maintaining a mindset that views success as rented has practical benefits:

  • Motivation: Knowing that daily effort is required keeps us motivated and driven. It ensures that we do not take our success for granted and continue to work hard every day.
  • Avoiding Trouble: Regular effort helps in identifying and addressing issues before they become significant problems. It keeps us vigilant and proactive in maintaining our success.
  • Strengthening Relationships: Consistent effort in maintaining relationships ensures they remain strong and healthy. Just as in business, relationships require regular attention and care.


In summary, the concept that “everything good is rented” underscores the importance of continuous effort and maintenance in achieving and sustaining success. By adopting this mindset, we can avoid the pitfalls of entitlement, complacency, and arrogance, and instead, foster a culture of continuous improvement and growth. This approach not only helps in maintaining current success but also in achieving greater heights. The daily work and dedication required to “pay the rent” ensure that we remain motivated, vigilant, and focused on our goals, ultimately leading to sustained growth and fulfillment.